Drinking Water Monitoring


system operations from anywhere


electrical equipment remotely


easily export recorded data


excursions and ensure compliance

Simplifying Operations

At Arcus we create comprehensive monitoring customized to your system’s needs. Certified operators are in short supply. We want to help their expertise go further. By eliminating a large portion of vital yet monotonous work and granting them peace of mind when they’re away, operators will be able to focus on where they’re most needed.

Convenience provided is not the only benefit to remote monitoring. With Arcus, you choose which personnel are immediately alerted to issues and who can control plant and distribution infrastructure from any device. Prevent costly excursions and operational failures while reducing the manhours required by being able to view the workings of your system at any time, being alerted to problems, controlling equipment remotely, and implementing automatic safety shutoffs. Our technology allows you a comprehensive view into the mechanics of your water facilities. The information you need is automatically recorded from each monitoring installation point and converted into simple, usable graphs that give you the ability to make informed decisions regarding operations and repairs. Arcus water monitoring software keeps you in compliance and informed on system health.

Lowering operating costs by preventing overflows, as well as maintaining adequate water pressure at all points in your system, especially in the event of a fire or other emergency, are certainly important. Almost as important as these health and safety concerns is the confidence of the community you serve. Our monitoring provides value for your budget and their tax dollars. It also allows breeches in the system to be fixed ASAP, keeping water pressure high and customer complaints low. We don’t want you to be forced to waste time with public health notices. We want to provide safety check points before there’s a problem.

Water Tanks

Distribution Network


Booster Pumps